Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well I'm starting to get worried now.  As I get further away from my surgery the more the pain in the right side of my back is coming back.  I'm freaking out about bending metal, loosening screws, and non-union of the fusion.  I go to the doctor on Thursday but I don't know what to tell him.  I was doing so good at 2 weeks and now I don't know if I'll ever feel better.  I'm starting to lose my balance more and more.  I don't want to have another surgery.  I want this to work.  I really do need to get back to having exercise, I'm so stiff.  I'm also gaining a lot of weight from inactivity.  There are some that say you lose weight after surgery and some that say you gain.  I've gained and haven't figured out how to stop the gaining.

My husband has just started noticing that I'm really not better.  He caught me today when I lost my balance and he asked how often it was happening.  I didn't know what to tell him.  He wants me to go back to using the walker so I have something to catch myself with when I lose my balance.  I'll update again Thursday after my appointment.  Just so you know I'm still having bouts of depression and crying.  I'm hoping when the doctor lets me do some things that will change.

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