Monday, September 7, 2009

X-Ray and Spondy Explaination

Spondylolisthesis(spondy) is a spinal condition that involves the slipping of one spinal vertebra over the one immediately underneath it. So basically instead of the disc slipping the actual vertebra bones slip.

This is my X-Ray it is a grade 2-3 "spondy". The vertebra effected are the ones outlined in red. I've written the grading system for you to understand it.

Grade I = 1% to 25%

Grade II = 26% to 50%

Grade III = 51% to 75%

Grade IV = 76% to 100%

Grade V is called spondyloptosis and occurs when the L5 vertebra completely slides over the top of the sacrum.

You can also see from the X-Ray that the disc space between those two vertebra is much smaller than all of the others. That is the Degenerative Disc Disease. It makes the "spondy" unstable. It moves with every move I make. That is what is causing my pain, well that and the forminal stenosis clamping down on the nerves. With it being unstable it could progress to the next grade at any time.

This is one of the websites I like the best: Medifocus Health Understanding Spondylolisthesis  It has a great explaination of the problem, symptoms, and treatment options.

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